Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Homework Club Board

So you already know exactly what I'm talking about, right?

The long story of me wanting to do this project made short:

1.  I have always struggled with getting students to return homework.  I think between lack of incentive and lack of parent involvement it just doesn't get down.

2.  Enter me pinteresting away "homework incentives" "homework organization" and "homework management.  (This was last summer). 

3.  I ended up deciding to go with Homeworkopoly via Ladybug Teacher Files. 
My kids really liked it but I didn't for three main reasons.

  • I felt like we never had enough time in the day to do it. So I didn't do it with full integrity.
  • It was hard to manage which spaces got prizes and what those prizes were.  Most of the "prizes" like extra computer time, etc.  ended up being more than a distraction than incentive.
  • Even with Homeworkopoly I had on average 3-4 students doing their homework weekly. Don't judge me.  
4.  Needless to say I did some major reflecting at the end of the year/research on teaching blogs.

5.  I see Tara's Monday Made It Post for Homework Club. (source)  *Light bulb!*  The first thing I thought of was my own class (will be this year's class too since I'm looping).  My kids loved loved loved to eat lunch with me.  This would be perfect!  Also it kind of adds the "cool factor" - who's in the club?  *lol*  I can't wait to add my own variations of these and come up with different activities for club members.  *** I do want to add that the original idea is from Molly at Lessons with Laughter.  If you don't follow her - get going because she's amazing!

6.  I got my cookie sheet right away - the day after she posted her  Monday Made It.  I really liked her color theme as well, but it was just a little off from my pink and green classroom.  So it took me this long to create something.  Here's what I came up with.

*I have it in a PDF document to share - I will be posting that tomorrow. 
From My Credits Page
Original Idea: Molly from Lessons with Laughter
Use of Numbers and Design Inspiration: Tara from 4th Grade Frolics
Graphics Courtesy of:
Cara Taylor
Ashley Hughes
Fonts Courtesy of:
Kimberly Geswein Fonts

Classroom Photos Update #2

If you don't follow me on Instagram  check out my classroom photos here!!

Goodnight blog world!


  1. Love your homework club idea!! I just started blogging again and would love some more followers. If you are interested stop by!

  2. Just saw your post! How is the homework club working for you?! I hope your students are loving it! And thank you so much for crediting back to me! You are so sweet!!! Hope you are having a great school year!

    Lessons with Laughter
