Monday, July 1, 2013

I can't decide!!

I'm having a dilemma of how to organize for this year!!  It happens every summer - do I keep my binder or do I type them online. 

Let me break my problem down for you. 

Erin Condren.  Heaven  I know what you're thinking.  I've said her name and now you hear angels around your head.  I've used Erin Condren planners for the last two years and loved them.  I always get a lot of compliments on them.  I absolutely loved the checklists for my grade book.  So I should get another one this year right? 

Well maybe not.  Here are my reasons for hesitation.

1. I rarely used the lesson plan pages in the EC planner:  Last year the majority of my school starting using  While it isn't as pretty as some templates out there, it definitely is convenient.  I type faster than I write, and with our school on a copy watch, it was nice not having to print them out.  For a more indepth review check out Think Wonder Teach
2. Do I need a paper copy for gradebook anymore?  IDoceo!: So one of my many blogging idols did a blog about IDoceo.  The Fabulous Ladybug Teacher Files!!!  So if you read this blog entry, don't you just fall in love with the colors and the different ways you can manage student data?  I bring my IPAD to school everyday anyway.  But that's one less thing I would need in the EC planner :(
3. I could just create my own with what I want in it.  I have seen several of these popping up around the internet on Made It Monday's but especially A Modern Teacher.  Seeing all of these really cute planners make me think I could just make my own planner: calendar, note pages, sub info, etc. 

So I'm torn.  I'm worried that if I don't get the EC I will hate myself later.  However - why spend that much money if you can make something cheaper? 

Thoughts?  How do you do it? 

My lesson plans are set.  But I guess I don't know how to manage everything else because most planners involve a spot for plans.....

Any advice would be great!  Thanks in advance!

1 comment:

  1. I'm having the same problem except that I do want a place for the lesson plans. I'm a total tech junkie and I thought I would want to put my lesson plans online but I after doing that one year I discovered that I really like actually writing them. I'm also tettering back and forth about a getting an Erin Condren one because I know I can make one myself that will be exactly what I want. My main dilemma: do I really want to take the time to create one? I'm such a perfectionist that I'm afraid it will take me soooo long!
