Sunday, July 6, 2014

Back to School Goals Linky 14-15

Jess at I heart Recess is hosting a linky on BTS goals.  I didn't write goals last year - but I definitely feel like I lost grip with who I was as a teacher and definitely focused on the wrong things.  I think between the new evaluation system, the new grade level, and brand new administration, I didn't feel comfortable and was constantly trying to impress.  The downside was it was one of the worst years for classroom climate - I think my class could feel that I wasn't myself.  So there were a lot of things I wanted to focus on for this year - but see what I decided to focus on below!

Without getting into a lot of detail I want to make sure I don't keep myself so busy at school that I can't save money and cook meals with my husband at home.  We ate really unhealthy foods last year just because I wasn't taking the time to plan and come home early enough. The rest just focuses on me having goals that are best practice - great classroom culture, instruction based on reflection and data and being organized so that you can work smarter and not work harder.  That should've been my motto!  But my motto is definitely You are good enough.  I need to stop being my hardest critic.